Latest News
Soft Power Crossing the Borders toward a Better Humanity
IVECA Welcomes Morocco and Egypt
Multinational Teachers Prepare for the IVECA Fall Semester
Daejeon MOE Supports Korean Schools for Expanding Global Collaborative Learning through IVECA
Teacher Workshop for the Upcoming Fall 2020 Semester
Young Global Citizens Make the Future of the World
IVECA’s Global Virtual Roundtable
IVECA Global Summer Camp Roundtable Discussion
IVECA’s Global Virtual Summer Camp
Students Across Nations Identify Climate Change Manifestations
Brazilian Teacher Tells her Story with IVECA
High School Student narrates his story with IVECA
Students from São Paulo and Gongju Explore Positive Actions for Climate Change
American and Korean Students in an Inspirational Speech Contest
Elementary Students Share Solutions for Environmental Problems
Artificial Intelligence for the Common Good
Sixth graders discuss life and geographical aspects of their countries
Korean and Brazilian Students Design Solutions in an Intercultural Experience
Students Unite Against Climate Change
Together, Brazilian and Korean Students Introduce Virtually Shared Global Schooling