On January 14, 2020, IVECA organized the World Speech Contest session between students from Hoover High school in Alabama, USA, and Noeun High School students from Korea. The aim of the contest was to inspire each other positively on thematic topics that are reflected in nonfiction literature or news articles from the students’ local culture.
Beforehand, students prepared in groups inspirational speeches related to daily life topics of their interest and that are mainly about perseverance, hope, suffering, competition, relationship and war. During the Live Class students presented their speeches virtually to their global partners through the Zoom platform.
American students decided to use literature to inspire their audience through the book “Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption” by Laura Hillenbrand. They depicted suffering and war during the second World War and demonstrated how perseverance and hope can change our life. Students in Korea introduced the devastating impact of the Japanese colonial period on the Korean citizens and presented icons who helped in spreading love and hope such as Dr. Chang Kee-ryo who made lots of sacrifices for his patients.
The two schools talked about war and pains in their countries, though the circumstances were different, the suffering was the same. Students expressed that by persevering, accepting our differences and helping each other, we can change the world to the best.