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[IVECA 2018 Global Youth Virtual Roundtable – Summer] YOUTH: Vital Actors in Multilateralism and EGC

Updated: May 8, 2019

On July 11, 2018, global youth leaders and TaeGwang High School students convened at the IVECA Global Youth Virtual Roundtable on Youth: Vital Actors in Multilateralism, Policymaking and Education for Global Citizenship. The session was moderated by Mr. Subhajit Saha, who serves as an NGO Youth Representative for the Dayemi Foundation. The panelists include Ms. Javita Nauth (Gather for Good, Inc.), Ms. Madison Ross (Mercado Global), Ms. Khady Gaye (United Nations Global Compact) and Ms. Upasana Chauhan (Man Up Campaign).

The session commenced with an intervention from TaeGwang High School students who defined what “multilateralism” means to them, in addition to, sharing their vision of a future Korea and the steps needed to achieve this. At such a young age, the Korean high school students were able to demonstrate excellence in education for global citizenship and multilateralism. The students rightly understood that “all cultures are precious and worthy of respect,” especially when unilateralism is flourishing across the world over fears of the “other.” Furthermore, the students recognized that multilateralism can only be achieved when “we recognize each other’s identity and cooperate through various languages, cultures, nations, and religions,” truly grasping the essence of multilateralism.

The panelists were truly surprised and proud when the students shared their visions of a future Korea. The students truly believed that the reunification would bring the united Korea a better future. Applying multilateralism in their multifaceted solutions, they express that both Koreas have something to offer, “North Korea’s resources and South Korea’s technology would expand the economy.” They also envision that a united Korea is one that can exert a positive influence on the world and provide international aid back to countries that need it the most. Most crucially, the students understand the importance of narrative and how it can impact reunification. The students want the Korean people to control the narrative and promote open-mindedness amongst citizens from both nations.

After the intervention from TaeGwang students, the panelists went over what multilateralism means to them. Subhajit emphasized that multilateralism needs to be practiced at home to be truly grasped for application at intergovernmental processes. Madison and Upasana iterated that this is a team effort, while Khady believes that it is the eradication of selfish motivations. The panelists unanimously agreed that multilateralism and education for global citizenship can be achieved if we remain curious, ask questions and experience each other’s culture. Youth are perfect agents of change as they comprise 65% of the world’s population and are innately curious. With this curiosity and respect for other cultures, youth will lead the way to multilateralism and universal education for global citizenship.

At the end of the session, the success of IVECA’s methodology became evident with the transformation of Mr. J. H. Yang, a student at TaeGwang High School. During the beginning of the session, he was shy and did not make eye contact with the panelists. However, by the end, he was giving virtual hugs to the panelists and performed the closing remarks on behalf of the class. The panelists are very confident that Mr. Won Jang’s class is full of world leaders who will lead the reunification efforts in Korea with education for global citizenship and multilateralism.

Organizer & Sponsor: IVECA International Virtual Schooling Co-sponsor: Legion of Good Will – USA

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