Latest News
Sixth graders discuss life and geographical aspects of their countries
Korean and Brazilian Students Design Solutions in an Intercultural Experience
Students Unite Against Climate Change
IVECA Global Teachers’ Meetings for the Live Class Preparation
Global Coordinator Presents IVECA’s Model for Success
Teenage Global Citizens Putting Ideas into Action toward the SDGs
Together, Brazilian and Korean Students Introduce Virtually Shared Global Schooling
High School Kids Urge the World to Take Overconsumption Issues Seriously
Act Locally, Think Globally for SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
[IVECA 2018 Global Youth Virtual Roundtable – Fall] Inspiration and Action for the SDGs
[IVECA 2018 Global Youth Virtual Roundtable – Summer] YOUTH: Vital Actors in Multilateralism and EGC
Youth Designs Local Tourism for Global Attractions
Korean and Brazilian Students Travel Together into their History and Culture