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Updated: Aug 6, 2021

Students and teachers from Korea and Papua New Guinea were inspired to share about their countries during their Live Class on Friday, July 30. The program was an intense 2-week program exchange between students with meaningful exchange activities. For one student from Papua New Guinea, “over the course of these two weeks, IVECA has helped broaden our understanding on various sustainable development goals and other pressing issues that are affecting the global communities.” Led by their teachers, the student groups had been researching climate solutions to help achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 13, to take urgent action to address climate change and its impacts. Students tackled climate issues such as sea-level rise, deforestation, and greenhouse gas emissions.

As part of their proposed solutions for climate change, students suggested government partnerships to further the climate agenda. Additionally, some groups recommended youth coalitions to lead awareness campaigns in their countries. Both Korean and PNG groups realized that additional support would be needed to make the most impact on their climate solutions. Students from both countries also proposed technological solutions to the issue of climate change. Ideas ranged from social media campaigns to satellite remote sensing equipment to help combat the effects of climate change. Although the solutions for climate change varied greatly, both countries realized their shared passion for finding innovative solutions together. “It was very impressive that through better awareness of people about climate change and its effects, our countries would be able to combat climate change,” said a student from Daedeok High School in Korea.

Updated: Jul 28, 2021

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During the second IVECA Global Virtual Summer Camp, student teams from India, Korea, and Malaysia have been working collaboratively with their distinguished IVECA instructor, His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Hesham Elnakib, to develop their course projects. The final projects will be presented at the third IVECA Global Virtual Roundtable (GVR) event on July 29, at 9pm (US Eastern Time). Students' projects have been focusing on benefiting humanity by promoting their countries’ unique soft powers and developing public diplomacy plans. Through the course meetings, Ambassador Dr. Elnakib has been creatively guiding students to identify and brand strengths of their scientific and cultural soft power using the tradition and culture of their countries.

The second Global Virtual Summer Camp this year, from July 19 to July 30, has brought together students and teachers from different backgrounds to share about themselves and their countries. Students have two weeks to meet with their instructor, while preparing their final projects for the GVR event on July 29. The GVR Event will discuss “Promoting Soft Power for Humanity.” Student teams will present about the soft powers of their nations and the strength and adaptability of those soft powers for contributing to humanity. For that, students have been learning strategies and techniques to brand and promote their soft powers to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

Updated: Jul 27, 2023

During the two-week IVECA Global Virtual Summer Camp, the students from six countries transformed into global citizens solving the world’s problems on a global scale. Many students expressed feeling that they could not accomplish much by themselves, but after experiencing the Summer Camp, they feel like capable individuals with the power to improve their country and the world.

IVECA hosted the Global Virtual Roundtable (GVR) Events on Friday, July 16th. During the GVRs, the Summer Camp students presented their projects in front of their instructors, expert panelists, and a live audience. Also, as an insight into the real world, the expert panelists shared their experiences working in fields that contribute to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) such as “Clean Water and Sanitation”, “Climate Action”, and “Good Health and Well-Being.” Finally, the students participated in a discussion with the instructors and expert panelists about the future of sustainable development.

The GVR Event was the final meeting for the IVECA Summer Camp. Groups from Guatemala, Korea, Malaysia, Morocco, Papua New Guinea, Tunisia, and the United States participated in the GVRs. Throughout the two-week-long camp, students had been working together to develop their projects. For one student, the summer course “emphasized the need to be open-minded and cultivated about many topics as they all contribute to shaping a wise and creative mindset.” As a result of the synergistic process, the students developed inspiring and innovative projects that have the ability to make a difference in the world and help humanity. For example, students developed a plan to implement innovative water solutions to manage water using a technology called Smart Water Grid and integrating the Internet of Things (IoT), aiming to decrease water waste.

After receiving feedback from the instructors and their international partners throughout the course, groups were able to collaboratively develop their projects aimed at contributing to the UN SDGs. One student explained that through the Summer Camp experience, “we learned how to empathize with the problems of other countries and how to solve big problems together.” The GVRs were a celebratory event, praising the hard work and dedication of the students and honoring the contributions and guidance of the instructors to the course projects.

Learn more about our GVR event here:

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