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On December 23rd, elementary students joined together for their Live Class. The two schools, Dunsan Elementary School in Korea and Aryan Public School in India, shared a cultural exchange over the IVECA Fall Semester. Throughout the semester the lead teachers, Ms. Shivani Bhargav and Mr. Byeonghoon Lee, guided the students to examine the importance of welcoming others into their country. Through their work, the students learned to analyze geographical and cultural aspects of their own country and compare them to their partner country. The two schools planned presentations in the style of a “Welcome Party” to share their geography and culture with each other.

During the Live Class, one representative student from Aryan shared that she had “been given this great learning opportunity” and that “South Korea is a known & friendly country to us now.” Also, one Dunsan student expressed how happy she was “to give a presentation and learn about Indian culture.” The principal of Dunsan expressed his hope for the exchange to “be a good opportunity for students from the two countries to understand each other's culture and develop a global citizenship through online exchange classes.” Additionally, Dr. Nisha Shekhawat, director of Aryan, agreed “the regularity of exchange programs like these in future, should be maintained to get the best learning outcomes.”

Updated: Dec 20, 2020

Classes from Hanil High School in Korea and AMITY International School in India met together in a productive partnership during the IVECA International Virtual Schooling Fall Semester of 2020. The Principal of Hanil, Mr. Insoo Shin, shared that “this experience has been a great opportunity for students in both countries to learn about each other, and also about their own country, more deeply.” Students from both schools were led by Ambassador Dr. Hesham Elnakib, an expert in public diplomacy and soft power, through a course focused on branding and promoting soft powers from their countries. In a series of Live Classes starting on December 16th and ending on December 18th, teachers from both schools guided their students in virtual combined classes. These Live Classes focused on presenting and discussing the unique branding ability of each country’s soft power.

Joining from Gongju, Korea, the classes from Hanil High School shared the IVECA virtual classroom with their partners in Noida, India, at AMITY International School. Students were challenged by the activities initiated from the guidance of Ambassador Dr. Elnakib to find the unique soft power owned by their nation that could be branded to benefit their partner country and humanity. Ms. Nivedita Verma, Vice Principal of AMITY, elaborated during her closing remarks that, “this programme has enabled the students of both the countries to become more aware about their soft powers and through their research and exchange have become more aware of its global impact. They have become more empowered by understanding the value of working for humanity on a global level.”

Each student worked collaboratively with their partner from another country to identify the strengths and uniqueness of their country’s soft power in an effort to improve sustainable development and the quality of human life in their countries. According to Jiwoo Lee, a student from Hanil, “we were able to understand the power of culture in a country and respect the cultures of both countries, Korea and India.” Students developed presentations examining topics which varied from K-Medicine and Indian Architecture to K-Pop and Bollywood to Traditional Foods of Korea and Indian Spices. Through the feedback from their IVECA partners and the input from Ambassador Dr. Elnakib, in addition to the teachers, students were able to focus their presentations on the unique elements of their country’s soft powers and the impact on the international community.

The virtual exchange continued with a discussion between students considering what they learned from viewing their partner’s presentations and the effectiveness of strategies put forth by their partner’s soft power branding. The presentations served as a successful representation of the months of teamwork and collaboration by the partner schools. Niamat Gill of AMITY reflected upon the exchange as “an incredible journey which has not only added to our knowledge but has taught us invaluable skills such as team-work, coordination, time management and public speaking.” The Ambassador concluded the classes by encouraging the students toward the future of a growing friendship between Korea and India, “I am so sure that in your hands our future and our tomorrow is much better than today.”

This semester, the IVECA program guided thirteen schools and the school teachers through their class activities. As the semester drew to a close, teachers met with their counterparts from another country to discuss the plan for the final Live Class presentations of their students. Also, in the collaborative conversations with the IVECA team, teachers suggested class objectives aimed toward achieving intercultural competence to guide the group projects and students’ discussion. The Test Sessions of Live Classes are all completed in advance to plan and ensure success and understanding during the Live Classes.

Teachers joined the Test Sessions virtually from across the globe, including Egypt, Guatemala, India, Korea, Morocco and the United States. Some teachers were joining the IVECA program for the first time, while others were welcomed back from participation in previous semesters. Teachers from all different backgrounds and with unique experiences from across the world contributed to these planning sessions in a creative and enthusiastic discourse with each other. The atmosphere of the Test Session is always one of anticipation and joy as partner teachers meet and plan the virtual meeting of their students.

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