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Updated: Apr 15, 2021

The IVECA Center will organize Global Virtual Summer Camp (July 5 ~ July 16, 2021) for high school and college students from across the world.

As one of the IVECA's programs to cultivate global citizenship through an intercultural collaborative learning experience, the Summer program will help students guided by esteemed professors, UN leaders, and experts in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The program is directed towards students with high proficiency in STEM areas. It offers STEAM courses that will develop students’ skills and knowledge necessary for advancement in 21st-century society.

Students are expected to work daily in groups with international partners in advanced STEAM topics in relation to the United Nations SDGs. By the end of the two-week program, students will present group projects to a panel of professionals from STEAM fields such as UN officials, university professors, and/or high-level STEM specialists (eg NASA scientists).

We have an open call for high school and early college students with high English proficiency and self-motivated global citizens interested in STEAM to apply for the IVECA Global Virtual Summer Camp by April, 30.

** Feel free to share the attached pdf file.

Global Virtual Summer Camp
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As completing IVECA's semester-long program, Korean and Moroccan students from Jeonmin High School and Eleraki International School of Morocco gathered to celebrate their global friendship on January 22. Despite the limited school activities caused by the COVID-19, students could enjoy learning about each other more closely by joining the virtual meeting room from their home.

Facilitated by a representative student from each country, all participants had opportunities to talk about themselves in details such as their perspectives on precious values and dreams in life as well as their family interest and daily hobbies. Students were surprised to discover that they share many common interests and hobbies. It was shared that many music genre and drama themes touched their hearts and minds regardless of different languages and cultures. Common interests in certain subject matters made the students feel bonded strongly.

A Moroccan student reflected on her experience, "it was a very inspiring experience that taught me multiple skills, such as being responsible and being a good leader. This will remain as an unforgettable memory and my favorite part of my senior year... I am very happy I was part of this amazing journey and Thank you for your time and effort!"

Updated: Feb 28, 2021

By Ms. Aliaa Samaha

Through IVECA International Virtual Schooling, my students from Hayah Academy had the opportunity to engage in a global education experience this semester. IVECA partnered my students with classes from Butler Tech Ross High School in Hamilton, Ohio, USA and Daeshin High School in Daejeon, South Korea. Students had the opportunity to share a virtual conversation with their international friends that lasted throughout the semester as they all exchanged thoughts on each other's work and became friends.

Students were not only representing themselves, but also their school and their country. From this experience, my students learned to appreciate the similarities and differences in their communities, made meaningful connections, and shared ideas about promoting peace and sustainable development locally and globally.

Students across three continents worked collaboratively through virtual learning environments, using STEAM principles to find innovative solutions for the United Nations Sustainable Developments Goals. In teams, students identified concrete problem areas and proposed feasible solutions. The feedback my students received from their IVECA partners, encouraged them to design creative solutions taking into consideration possible obstacles and challenges.

During the “Live Class” on December 21st, 2020 students presented their solutions, shared cultural performances, and heard inspiring messages from their principals. Most importantly, students enjoyed celebrating their achievements with their friends around the world!

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