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Two Korean Schools & a US School District Recieve IVECA Distinguished Global Model School Award

Franklin West Supervisory Union school district in Vermont, USA, Charmsaem Elementary and Jeonmin High School in Korea became the first recipients of IVECA Distinguished Global School/District Award.  Those schools and a district are selected among the candidates from 9 states in the U.S., 11 countries, 80 schools, and the partners of over 150 IVECA programs around the world.

The USA based district FWSU received their award in March 2, 2016 and had a special acknowledgment:

With great pride and responsibility, IVECA Center for International Virtual Schooling recognizes the innovative leadership and best practices of FWSU School District, USA in transforming local school education to 21st century global collaborative schooling. Especially, IVECA Center acknowledges the pioneering leader, Superintendent Ned Kirsch, for his vision and support towards promoting interculturally competent global citizenship.

The award ceremony for the Korean schools was held in January 25 during the annual general meeting of IVECA-Korea in Seoul, Korea  and counted with the presence of Dr. Jung, the Founder and Executive Director of IVECA International Virtual Schooling.  

Congratulations FWSU, Charmsaem and Jeonmin schools for such excellent participation and recognition!

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