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REGISTER NOW: iGEP Virtual Conference in parallel with the UN HLPF. July 19, 2023. 8:30-10am EDT

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

In parallel with the #UnitedNations High-level Political Forum, IVECA International Virtual Schooling will host a virtual conference titled “Global Citizenship Fostering Greening Education Partnership (GEP) for Sustainable Environment'' on July 19, 2023, from 8:30-10:00 am EDT. Esteemed collaborators include #UnitedNationsAcademicImpact, #UNESCO-APCEIU, #KyungheeUniversity (Republic of Korea), #LongIslandUniversity-Post (USA), and #ShobhitUniversity (India).

The conference will feature a series of best practices and panel discussions by representatives from universities, the UN system, NGOs, and civil society. Additionally, attendees will have the opportunity to engage in interactive sessions with the purpose of exchanging knowledge, enhancing collaboration and fostering partnerships to create a greener and cleaner Earth.

Registration for the conference is free and required to attend. Please visit the following pages to register and find more information:



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