June 11 was nothing like any other day for Korean and Vermont students from Yeomlee, JinGwan and GEMS elementary schools. As professional magazine writers, these students did an amazing job by designing cultural magazines to present life in their countries and describe their different cultural components to their partners from the other side of the world.
With their teachers’ support and by using their drawing, coloring and design talents, students prepared exquisite cultural magazines with attractive pictures and eye-catching colors where they nicely present a number of interesting facts related to specific places, people, animals, clothing and foods in their countries.
In a one- hour virtual Live Class, each school’s students had the chance to know about the culture in the other country and realize they are not living on their own. Instead, they are a part of a big world with which they share a lot. Students discussed, gave feedback about each other’s magazine and figured out the similarities and differences in terms of the contents they presented about their countries.
Throughout the live class, students were very excited to hear more from their partners and showed interest in learning about how people live in the other country. And it did not stop here, after this virtual meeting, students wrote letters to each other and expressed how happy they were to meet their global friends and work together for a whole semester.
“We wanted to thank you for participating in IVECA this year. We hope we can do it again in the future. It was so fun working with you all…We look forward to talking again.” – 3rd grader, Vermont
“We had fun to learn the different culture of Vermont. It was so helpful to learn new words for the new world. Moreover, We’re excited to communicate with GEMS School in the U.S. Hope to have another chance next time.” – 4th grader, Korea
“This virtual and cultural exposure has provided a unique and exciting learning experience that children will cherish for years to come. A learning opportunity, for everyone involved, that has shown to be beneficial both socially and academically. A variety of academics, culture, and FUN for everyone involved.” – Principal at GEMS, VT