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Global Virtual Roundtable

Collaborative & Innovative


Promoting Leadership

Every year, IVECA invites a cohort panel of talented youth representatives to participate in a Global Youth Virtual Roundtable at the United Nations. These student leaders put their education into practice by hosting a live virtual class with classrooms around the world to discuss matters related to human rights, sustainability, and development. Register below to learn more and to participate in this year's event! 

Register (Opening soon)

Global Citizenship

For a More Peaceful World

IVECA is committed to education for Global Citizenship and partners with a number of organizations to fulfill this goal. This past year, IVECA collaborated with the NGO Steering Committee for and International Day of Education for Global Citizenship, successfully creating the first annual day of celebration. Reach out via the link below to learn more and participate in our next exciting partner event.

Register (Opening soon)


Education in Action

IVECA is uniquely situated at the forefront of education for empowerment and action with respect to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Our UN-supported curriculum educates students globally about the goals and measures of the SDGs and gives them the tools necessary to carry-out tangible change in their communities. IVECA is proud to be the bridge between the local and the global. 

Register (Opening soon)
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